Dead Trigger: Survival Shooter2.1.8

Zombie Shooter – Survive the Zombie Apocalypse

Do you have an interest in playing first-person shooting games? Are you a fan of the zombie games genre? If yes, then this zombie shooter is the perfect game for you. Dead Trigger is a thrilling game in which you have to shoot the zombies that are coming to kill you using various types of weapons. You will find yourself in the middle of the zombie apocalypse where only a handful of humans are left while the rest have been turned into blood-thirsty monsters. Your job is to join the survivors and help them in defeating the zombies. The slick gameplay and easy-to-understand controls make it easy to play for one and all. However, it is the detailed graphics that are the highlight feature of this zombie shooter.

Dead Trigger is extremely simple to understand and play. Both novices and experienced players would find the controls quite responsive and easy to play with. You have a virtual joystick provided to you in this zombie shooter which is for moving your character in any direction you want. This virtual joystick lies on the screen’s bottom-left corner. You can change the camera angle to get a better look at your targets by swiping your finger on the screen’s right-hand side. The buttons for firing, aiming and reloading are located on the bottom-right corner of the screen. You can see the life bar on the top-right corner of the screen, right next to the radar which allows you to monitor the position of the zombies coming to attack you.
Dead Trigger
This zombie shooter offers an extensive arsenal of guns and weapons to you. There are a variety of guns available in the shop which can be purchased either by using cash or gold bars. You can earn the cash by completing the various missions on offer. The gold bars, on the other hand, can either be purchased using real money or earned as a reward for completing a mission. Moreover, you can also get gold bars from the casino slots as well. You will need poker chips in order to play the slots. Dead Trigger allows you the chance to upgrade your guns as well and make them more potent. Aside from the guns, there are other weapons available which can be used to annihilate the zombies like chainsaws.
Dead Trigger provides multiple game modes to you. There is a standard story mode available comprising of various missions that take you on an exploration of the city. Each mission is different from the other and presents a different challenge to you. For instance, in some of the missions, your job is to survive for a certain period of time while in other you need to retrieve some item or protect other survivors. Aside from the story campaign, you can earn cash in the arena mode where you get to take on waves of zombies. There are also plenty of side missions available which offer various rewards to you.
Dead Trigger


  • Multiple game modes
  • Story mode consisting of various challenging missions
  • Arena for fighting the zombies at various locations
  • Side missions to earn cash
  • Different type of missions to complete
  • Lots of different types of zombies to kill
  • Wide range of guns to choose from
  • Option available for upgrading your guns
  • Various weapons to kill the zombies with
  • Kill zombies using hand-to-hand combat
  • Bandages to help you heal yourself during missions


Dead Trigger is a game for people who love playing first-person shooting games. It provides them a wide range of weapons and high-end guns to shoot all the living dead that are roaming the different parts of the city. It is an excellent zombie shooter and is definitely going to prove to be a valuable addition to your phone’s game collection.

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Downloads: 93
Updated At: 2024-10-18
Publisher: Deca_Games
Operating System: Android
License Type: Free